Senior Portraits - Angel

So.....I love all of our clients, Brides, Grooms, High-school seniors, families, etc :), but this next senior definitely holds a special place in my heart...she is my niece Angel :) She is stunningly beautiful (and I am not biased at all...really...she is gorgeous!). She is an absolute sweetheart and I am so proud of what a beautiful young woman she is becoming - inside and out!
Angel goes to Kent Island High School and came ALL the way up to Bel Air with her friend Christina to have their portraits done (Christina - yours are coming up next...promise!).
Meet Angel:
Angel and Christina - Christina's post is next!
My favorite!!
Reader Comments (3)
Wow, what a pretty senior. And I'm not the least bit prejudiced either, even though she is my granddaughter! Great job Jason...keep up the good work.
The most beautiful senior you have photographed. For sure.