J. Thomas Photography is MD-based and specializes in weddings, event and lifestyle portraiture. Jason is the photographer (very talented :) and Missy is the brains (just kidding :). We're so excited to share our journey to building a super-duper photography business! Come back often :)


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Senior Portraits - Erin

Some of you might remember Molly - she was one of our Senior Ambassadors this year. Well, her best friend Erin thought her pictures were soooo great :) that she decided to have Jason photograph her senior portraits as well. And as an added bonus, Molly came along for the shoot so Jason was able to get some shots of the two of them together, which is always fun! As I was going through Erin's pictures from the session, I couldn't help but notice how natural she was in front of the camera - one cute face after another, followed by sultry and serious, then beaming and radiant. Here's to another great session!

Meet Erin:

To see more of Erin's session, check out the slideshow below:

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