Back in the Hospital.....

Well last week was crazy, nutty and NOT FUN! It started off with Jason's leg surgery on Tuesday - we were told to be at the hospital at 9am and his surgery would start at 1pm we were still waiting for his surgery to start. They eventually took Jason back and his surgery went well, but it was a LONG day and Jas was in LOTS of we headed home, Jas rested to begin recovering and I attempted to take care of the rest of the crew (with help, thanks goodness! at this point I still had no sleep since Jack was born and was feeling pretty useless!). Then came Wednesday - Wednesday Max and Mallory had their 2-yr and 3-yr doctor's appointments - both appointments went really well (yay!). However, since early morning Jack had been acting really off - he was crying way more than he usually does, and his cry sounded very distressed. I mentioned it to the doctor, but she didn't see anything wrong with him, so we passed it off as him being gassy. Later that day he felt warm to me, so we took his temperature and it was 100.2 - according to the internet (my other doctor :) if an infant under 2 months has a fever of 100.5 or above, he needs to go to the hospital to be sure he doesn't have a bacterial infection (since their immune systems are so weak, a bacterial infection at that age is really dangerous). Since Jack's temperature was a little below the 100.5 mark, we decided to let him sleep and we would check his temperature again later. While he was sleeping he looked so peaceful so we decided to wait until he woke up to check his temp - luckily, Jas' cousin was visiting and went over to give Jack a kiss and noticed he felt unusually warm, so we took his temperature and it was 101 (UGH!). We called the doctor and she told us to go to the emergency room because he needed to have a blood work-up done. Little did we know the blood work-up would include a spinal tap and a 3-night stay at the hospital! Yup - Baby Jack had to have his blood drawn, a urinalysis (so a catheter was necessary) and a spinal tap - listening to your baby screaming during a spinal tap is HORRIBLE! I felt useless and so sad and scared for Jack - it was an AWFUL night. So, Jack and I stayed at the hospital for 3 nights (VERY dreary and depressing) - FORTUNATELY...the tests came back negative for a bacterial infection (dangerous), so they deduced Jack had a viral infection (much less dangerous) and we were able to go home on Saturday. What an ordeal! We are SOOOOO glad to be home, and we are doing our best to get back into the swing of things (personal and business-wise, everything took a back-burner during this). Thanks to everyone for all of your support!!! It means a LOT to know so many people care :)
Here is a picture of Jack in the hospital - check out the hospital gown - too cute :) And see his arm all boarded up with the IV in it - he kept hitting himself in the head with that contraption - POOR BABY!!!
Reader Comments (1)
Wow...sounds like a pretty miserable week! I'm glad to hear you're all doing well and are on the mend. Take care of yourselves! :-)