Trip to the Zoo!

Recently I cut back my work hours to 32/week so I have off every Friday (and I HIGHLY recommend this to everyone :) I decided that every Friday I want to do something for and with the kids (well, as often as possible) - especially with Jas working so many Saturdays, its nice to have Fridays together. Last Friday we went to the zoo, along with Mimi, Grampie, Noah and Clarke. We had such a wonderful time...Max is still talking about it :)
This animal had the craziest tongue AND butt :) :)
Max and Mallory petting the goats :)
Three little lions (Mallory tried to be a lion, but she didn't want to stop eating her pretzel long enough to pose :)
Aren't the peacock colors GORGEOUS!?!?!?!?
Reader Comments (1)
I LOVE the lion faces! What an awesome picture for Mimi & Grampie to hang on their wall!!