Rockstar Roadtrip

This past Monday I had the pleasure of attending Corey McNabb and Amber Holritz's RockStar Roadtrip workshop in DC - and I am so glad I did. One of my goals for 2008 was to attend some photography seminars and/or workshops to gain some perspective of the photography industry from successful photographers and learn more about the business-side of the biz from some of the best - and Corey and Amber certainly are great at what they do. Corey's forte is Wedding Photography, so this is what he focused on during the workshop - he definitely shed some light on new ideas that I am excited to give a try. Amber focused on Lifestyle Portraiture (her forte), and this is something I'm looking to try out - it is basically spending some time in clients' homes and taking pictures of them doing whatever it is they do - basically, it's candid photography (but better!). Missy follows some photographers that do this, and she has said for a while now that this is something she would be interested in having done (with our family). I have some families lined up to give this a shot - I'll post the sessions and you can let me know what you think!
So the workshop was informative and definitely worthwhile - it was also nice to meet some other photographers in the area (what a small world - I actually sat next to a photographer that knew Missy from the Love Affair workshop she was supposed to attend this past Feb (but didn't)...). Thank you Corey and Amber - the workshop was great!
Here are some pics I snagged from Corey's blog:
Corey speaking to the group
Amber's turn...

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