The Cutest Ambassador

This is Catharine Aboulhouda, the 2008 National Ambassador for the March of Dimes.
Every year the March of Dimes chooses a child as their National Ambassador whose life depended on and was saved by the efforts of the March of Dimes (research, programs, campaigns). These ambassadors travel the world for the year and, along with their families, speak on behalf of the March and Dimes and help forward their mission to "improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth, and infant mortality". Today Catharine and her mom were guest speakers at the kick-off breakfast for the March of Dimes 2008 March for Babies at Martin's West, and I had the pleasure of photographing the event. Vic Carter from WJZ was the MC, the place was packed and the overall vibe was energetic and excited.
Missy and I both feel strongly about the March of Dimes mission - we have been blessed so far with healthy pregnancies and healthy babies, but not all families are as blessed. The March of Dimes fights for the health of babies so that more and more families can be as blessed as we have been. The March for Babies is being held at Camden Yards on May 3rd. If you want to sign up go to Missy and I will be there - hope to see you there too!!

Reader Comments (1)
I read on the March of Dimes website that Catharine was born 16 weeks early and weighed only 1 pound, 10 ounces. She now has no lasting consequences of her extremely premature birth, thanks in part to medical advances developed and funded by the March of Dimes. She sure is one cute little kid! Anyone interested can read more of her story at:
Catharine Aboulhouda at ""