J. Thomas Photography is MD-based and specializes in weddings, event and lifestyle portraiture. Jason is the photographer (very talented :) and Missy is the brains (just kidding :). We're so excited to share our journey to building a super-duper photography business! Come back often :)


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We just got back from our WONDERFUL Williamsburg vacation (pics of that to come :) and we noticed that Dess & Nino's wedding day blog post somehow didn't get fully published - reception pictures and a beautiful slideshow were missing. So, I updated the post with the missing shots - if you have already looked at it, take another look at it in its entirety....and if you haven't looked at it yet, then what are you waiting for!?!?

Take a look - Dess & Nino's Wedding 

We have a lot more posts to come....two more wedding posts, an engagement session post, some corporate posts and our trip to stay tuned!

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