J. Thomas Photography is MD-based and specializes in weddings, event and lifestyle portraiture. Jason is the photographer (very talented :) and Missy is the brains (just kidding :). We're so excited to share our journey to building a super-duper photography business! Come back often :)


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Danielle & Buddy

Last month Jason had the pleasure of shooting Danielle & Buddy's wedding. Despite the rain, it was a beautiful, special day for Danielle, Buddy and all of their family and friends.  There were a lot of smiles shining, a lot of laughs heard and a lot of tears shed.

Congratulations Danielle & Buddy!!!

Seeing each other for the first time:

It was obvious that Danielle was very close to her parents - both her mom and her dad walked her down the aisle:

First kiss as husband and wife - beautiful!

Another wedding with some adorable, colorful details!

A very heartwarming father/daughter dance with mom looking on:

And one more shot of the happy couple on their special day:

Take a look at the slideshow below to see more of Danielle & Buddy's wedding day:




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